Monday, December 12, 2005

Weekend update.

Since y'all seem to hate it when I tell you of my Holiday progress. I guess I'll refrain from telling you that not only is all my shopping done, (Save one bed I need to pick up and do not have room to store until Christmas) but also half of my Mother's. (She has an upper respiratory infection. But she is recovering nicely.) I also won't tell you that I have all gift knitting done, except for some last minute gloves requested by my Stepdad. Or that I'm nearly done with my sweater that I intend to wear to our Holiday party on the 17th.

I will show you the mound of packages I have yet to send out.

(Stalker Angie's Prize is in there somewhere. I promised to send it last week, but with the snow and last minute obligations that I've encountered in the last week, I haven't gotten to the post office. I'm sorry, Angie.)

NOTE: Carma, yours is on the bottom, and no, it's not a computer.

Also the pile O'Christmas cards to send out. Some waiting for me to divy up Jess' school pictures, all waiting for stamps.

If it makes y'all feel better, we are still tree-less. With the snow and Nate being called out to work this weekend, we have made no progress in the tree department.

Although this weekend, Jess asked me to teach her to knit. It was more of an assisted knitting, hand over hand, but we had fun. she made up a song to remember the steps.

She wanted to make a scarf for Elmo. As you can see we didn't get to the "weaving in of ends" lesson.

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