Sunday, May 08, 2005

We're not Worthy!

Friday, Carma and I picked up Jen, and drove up to Sit 'n Knit, where we met Lesa for lunch. It's a great place owned by WONDERFUL people. If ever you're in New Buffalo...)

A few hours and yarn purchases later, we headed up to Kalamzoo.

Now, we missed Lynne and the gang for dinner, but we did get to Athena's a little early. We tried to keep an eye out for Lynne. (Imagine, Carma and I huddled together looking around and whispering to each other, "Wait--do you think that's her? "
"I don't know."
"Go ask."
"You go ask."
"Oh come on.")

At this point, Jen was talking to Janella:

and trying really hard to pretend she didn't know us. I think. At least, I would have if I were her.

We of course spy RAMS right away. She modelled her beautiful, and very warm sweater for us.

Then, The Harlot. Behold.

So after Stephanie made us all laugh, (My favorite, the magic trick. I turned this...into this...) We headed to the book signing line.

Guess who we found there.

We chatted for a while. It turns out that Lynne's son will be attending the University of Chicago in the fall. This means she'll drive through my town. I mean to kidnap her for at least part of the day. *Mwuhahahahaha*

We met so many wonderful people, but I'm ashamed to say, I do not remember all the names. So I apologize if anyone feels slighted.

I loved that Lynne pulled Carma and I aside seperately to get the low down on which one of us was actually the dork. And once introduced to Rams, her question for us was, "Wait, which one of you is wearing the mustache?"

But behold a picture or two of us. No Mustaches.

Carma in her "Go with everything" sweater that I was fixing the night before (another post for another day) My Honeymoon Cami's big night out.

We met Susie, and her daughter as well, although I do not have a picture. She had a Beautiful shawl.

Then (dun dun dun) It was our turn to see the Harlot.
I felt her silk chai. I'm in love.

When she realized that Carma was the one who travelled all the way from Iowa she was quite impressed, then asked where Iowa was. Someone busted out a map. So we had a brief US geography lesson.

Then has a discussion about the true meaning of "The South".

We also talked about being short, which ended with this photo of us all in no shoes.

Carma is the tall one at 5'2". (maybe 5'3"? I don't remember) She's quite tickled about being "The tall one".

AN ASIDE: Carma, had started writing a post here, but we never did get around to finishing it. At least I'm pretty sure she did. But when I logged in to finish it it was gone. (stupid blogspot)Carma, please feel free to jump in and add your thoughts to the post. I'm sure I've left things out.

If you have a chance. Go meet Stephanie. Seriously

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