Wednesday, August 10, 2005

Markers, meme, etc

Ok, Let's catch up, shall we?

Friday (or rather very early Saturday morning,) *ahem, grin* Carma arrived here for the weekend. (If you are curious why she arrived around 2 am, ask her.) Saturday we all just hung out, and Saturday night, Carma blew off her high school reunion. (can't really say that I blamed her.) for more hanging out and Charlie and the Chocolate Factory. By the way, I LOVED this movie. I'm trying to figure out how I can go see it again.

Anyhow, Carma left on Sunday, and My Mother-in-law and Brother-in-law arrived on Monday. Another very nice visit. They helped us celebrate Jessie's birthday. Then Tuesday we hopped the South Shore to CHicago, to go to the Museum of Science and Industry. Kind of a disappointing trip. The train was filled to capacity, the museum was VERY crowded, and on the train back, we found some scattered seats in the VERY LAST CAR. The day ended with a huge migraine, so I feel very badly that Yesterday did not fare better. Jess and I saw my in-laws off this morning and then we registered Jess for school. (YAY!)

But look at all the fun mail I have gotten! These came from Bente, in Germany. Danke shoen!

These from Katie along with a nifty little blanket pattern. Thank you.

I do have a finished object for you. A fall jacket for Jess. made from Rowan Polar and Lion boulce. The only problem is I guessed on sizing, since the four year old will not sit still long enough to measure, and instead of being somewhat oversized, like I had planned...It FITs. Oh well, she'll use it as long as she can.

Now, Jen has tagged me with a meme, so here it goes:

5 CDS in your player
(I have a 6 cd changer, hence the extra CD)
Matthew Sweet- Girlfriend.
Frank Sinatra- A Swingin' Affair
Soul Coughing- Ruby Vroom
Lisa Loeb- Tails Summer Jams 2K5
Cake- I forget which one. The one with "rock 'n roll lifestyle" on it.)

5 movies you have seen recently
I'm Not counting the endless sesame street videos I am subjected to.

Charlie and the Chocolate Factory (2005)
Not another Teen Movie
The Incredibles
Finding Neverland

5 nice things that have happened to you recently
Visit from Carma!
A very nice visit with my in-laws. (I have pretty great in-laws)
My mother giving us a newer microwave.
My marker mania mail!
My new car (with Air conditioning!)

5 mp3s in your play list
Well, I do not have an mp3 player (On the Christmas List.)
I had a few on my computer, but they seem to have been deleteed long ago.

5 friends you are tagging.
Carma (duh)
hmmm. I don't know....anyone up for the challenge? Leave a comment.

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