Tuesday, August 12, 2014


So I've been distracted lately. I can't seem to decided on my next knit project. Anything I want to make, I do not have the yarn budget for, (had to buy a new car, you know) and those projects I can make, I'm just not feeling at the moment. We won't even mention the bag of started socks that I don't feel like working on either.

As I had mentioned before, August brings family reunions to these parts. Nate's Aunt brought me a box this year. It was full of various craft projects. One in particular, caught my attention. In the box were various balls of yarn and a few crocheted granny squares. They called to me. I had no choice. 
Now the box only contained about forty finished squares. So I've been busy making more. I'm not sure the yarn will hold out, so I'm about to get a little creative in the layout. Right now I'm assembling from one corner to the opposite corner. I'm just thinking the yarn is not going to last, so I may need to get a little creative with the other two corners.
The question is, what will I do with it when it's done? Do I keep it, gift it, or sell it?

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